Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate GB/T1943-1991木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究
The utility model relates to a mould used in cool isostatic compression forming method in the field of powder metallurgy, comprising an outer mould and end plugs. 本实用新型是粉末冶金领域里最常用的冷等静压制成型方法中所用的模具。
A dissertation is made on every parts of the structure and working principle of the compression mould. 分析了该塑件的特点,给出了实用的压模结构,论述了模具结构设计和工作过程。
This article puts emphasis on the construction design and analysis on compression house, which is the core of circular mould briquette presser. 着重探讨了环模压块机核心部分压缩室的结构设计和分析。
A forming process, plastics injection& compression combination molding for plastic shell, was introduced. A mould was designed for the purpose. 介绍了一种塑料壳体的成型工艺&塑料注射、压缩复合成型工艺,并设计了实现该成型工艺的模具。
Injection and Compression Forming Process and Mould for Plastic Shell 塑料壳体注射压缩成型工艺及模具
This paper introduces several new data compression techniques in multimedia: vector quantization coding, generalized transformation coding based neural networks, structure coding, wavelet transformation coding and mould based coding. 简要介绍了若干知名度较高的多媒体数据压缩新技术:矢量量化编码、神经网络广义变换编码、结构编码、小波变换编码和基于模型的编码。
Design of Compression Mould of Plastic Insulator with Side Parting 塑料绝缘子侧向分型压模设计
Improvement in the Structure of the Compression Mould for the Cylinder Body 筒体压缩模结构的改进
Design of the Automatic-Feeding Power Metallurgy Wet Compression Mould 自动注料粉末冶金湿压磁场成型模设计
Six sorts of PZT/ PVDF composites are obtained with different PZT volume ratios by compression mould/ sintering technique. 在自制模具上采用模压/烧结工艺获得了六种含PZT不同体积含量的PZT/PVDF复合材料;
According to the experimental study on the paper pulp forming technology of injection and compression, the injection and compression mould with an injection system developed for the paper pulp forming was introduced. The structure and design of the mould were stated. 根据纸浆注射压缩成型工艺实验研究结果,介绍了一种具有注射系统的纸浆注射压缩成型模具的结构及设计特点。
The Design of Compression Mould of Inner Shell for Refrigerator Door 冰箱门内壳吸塑模设计
The Injection and Compression Mould with an Injection System for Paper Pulp 具有注射系统的纸浆注射压缩成型模具
According to the application of electric brush frame, two forming methods including compression and extrusion for the frame mould are compared with each other, and plastic compression is chosen. 针对电刷架零件的使用功能,在对压塑、挤塑两种成形方法进行比较的基础上,确定了压塑成形。
The injection and compression technology with cold runner and mould for the thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料冷流道注射压缩成型工艺及模具
A compression combination mould was designed by ourselves. Wheat stalk briquette mixing pulping waste liquor was made using universal testing machine. 自行设计了压缩试验模具,使用万能材料试验机,制作掺混造纸废液的小麦秆成型块。